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Patryk Mogilnicki

Patryk is an illustrator and author of the book “Nie ma co obrażać. Nowa polska ilustracja” (2017, Karakter). He has published in many Polish magazines (including "Gazeta Wyborcza", "Przekrój", "Wprost", "Zwierciadło", "Wysokie Obcasy", "Film", "Architektura", "Podróże"), as well as in foreign magazines such as the Italian "Vice", the English "Pickles" and "Fast Company" from New York. He designs concert, theatre and film posters (e.g. "Rojst", "Mnich z morza", " Biegacze", "Chłopcy z motylkami"). He creates album covers (e.g. for Body Retribution, Kristen, Wulkan) and books (e.g. "Berlińska depresja. Dziennik" by Anda Rottenberg, “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” by Milan Kundera, “Chasing the Scream” by Johann Hari, “Annihilation” by Jeff Vandermeer, “No Longer Human” by Osamu Dazai).
More about artistHe also draws comics (including "Kto jest obok mnie?" in the anthology "Chopin New Romantic", "Luna" in the Krytyka Polityczna guide "Schulz" and "Red Sea" for the anthology "Ś!" by the Latvian publishing house Kuś. His illustrations have been presented in the albums “Pictographic Index 1” (2009 The Peppin Press), “1000 Portraits Illustrations” (2012 Quarry Books), in the domestic "The Best Polish Press Illustrators" (2016, Slow) and "The Best Polish Poster Illustrators'' (2017, Slow), as well as in many group exhibitions in Poland and abroad, including “Ilustrarte 12” (Lisbon, 2012), “48 Social Club. Tokyo Designers Club'' (Tokyo, 2014), “Do It Your Way / Polish Design in Pieces” (Milan, 2015) or “Inside Out. Polish Graphic Design” (Wanted Design, New York 2015).
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