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Angelika Andrzejewska

Angelika is the author of the project „When In The West”, a series of minimalist drawings and modern interpretation of Western Art. She is a graduate in Architecture from the Warsaw University of Technology. She completed part of her studies in Italy at the Politecnico di Milano and Sapienza Università di Roma. She started by giving drawing classes to children. Currently, in addition to working in an architecture studio in Warsaw, she creates illustrations and drawings referring to the topic of the Wild West.
More about artistBrave cowboys in solitude crossing the desert under the heat of the setting sun, putting honor above all else, treating their independence extremely. A wild nature abundant in the strongest life forms, resistant to the most difficult climatic conditions and the omnipresent sense of freedom felt in the air. Something that took away her heart like a Texas tornado. Angelika is addicted to watching Westerns, in search of authentic movie quotes that could be represented in her drawings.
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